Archive for November 2008

Twitter Killed the Radio Star, Logo Search

Putting the Micro- in Bloging:


We’ve been slack on blogging of late. The Twitter bug finally bit the two of us that founded Directed Edge. I finally got around today to setting up an “official” (meaning, “spared of our random personal musings”) Directed Edge Twitter account today:

You can find the two founders streams linked there.  But have no fear, there will be more good old fashion blogging action on the way.  I’ve got posts in the pipe on some of our experiences in picking a CRM system and some of the optimization work on our graph storage engine that should be coming along in the next week or so.

The time for a logo is nigh:


Yes, that’s right, we need a logo.  We’ve all run out of business cards, so before putting in an order for a new batch, I’ve decided to revisit the logo situation.  We’re looking for something simple and business-y that also can be reduced to line art for print.  Particular colors aren’t terribly important since the website needs a revamp too.  If you or somebody you dig feels like moved to send us a bid (with a link to a portfolio), please do.